Why Interviewing the Company is as Crucial as Being Interviewed

Elijah Koulaxis

October 13, 2023


So, you're in the hot seat, answering all those questions like a pro. But guess what? It's not a one-way street. You gotta flip the script and grill the company right back. Why? Because landing a job is like getting into a relationship. It's gotta work both ways.

Make sure you don't miss the last paragraph

Finding the Weaknesses

Nobody's perfect, and that includes companies. The real magic happens when you can spot their Achilles' heel. It's not about being negative; it's about being realistic. Ask questions that gently probe their potential areas of improvement. For example, you might ask about recent challenges they've faced or what they're actively working on improving. It shows you're looking for a place that's honest and committed to growth.

Company Values

Unfortunately, this is something that most people don't pay enough attention to. Companies love to show off their values like badges of honor, but it's your job to figure out if they're living those values.

During the interview, dig deeper into what those values really mean in the daily grind. Ask about specific examples where company values were put into action. For instance, ask about a time when the team faced a tough decision that required aligning with those values. This not only shows your commitment to authenticity but also helps you suss out if those values are more than just window dressing. Because let's face it, you want to be part of a company that walks the talk, not just talks the talk.

The Team Dynamics

A company's culture isn't just about ping-pong tables and bean bags. It's about how the team actually works together. Dive into their team dynamics. Ask about how they collaborate on projects, and how decisions are made.

Future Plans and Goals

You're not just signing up for a job; you're investing in a future. Ask about the company's plans, where they see themselves in the next few years, and how you can be a part of that journey.

Disclaimer: Important

Finding a job is more than just ticking boxes; it's like finding your professional "soulmate". You want to vibe with the company, and they want to vibe with you. So, peel back the layers, ask the real questions, and turn that interview into a genuine conversation.

Do not be rude. Remember, it's not about bashing the company; it's about finding the right fit. Approach these questions with curiosity, not criticism. Your goal is to understand how does the place you may work in the future look like. It's about crafting a career, not tearing down opportunities.

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