Navigating the Internship and Transition to a Junior Software Engineer in a Large IT Company

Elijah Koulaxis

September 9, 2022

Choosing a company to do your internship can be overwhelming. There are so many options, left and right, which may seem an excellent opportunity but at the same time, there are options that are not so great.

That was not the case with the choice I personally made. Netcompany-Intrasoft hired me in the summer of 2022 as a Software Engineer Intern and I will daringly say it was an amazing experience. It all started almost a year ago (more specifically in November of 2021) when Netcompany-Intrasoft began a series of webinars called “NETCOMPANY-INTRASOFT MEETS UNIVERSITIES”, in which in every episode they demonstrated a different field of IT that someone would wish to follow by joining as an intern in the company. At the very end of each webinar, they hosted a quick quiz;, basically, you had to answer correctly as fast as possible. It was me, who won the first webinar’s quiz and they provided me as a reward an amazing opportunity to watch the material in frontendmasters for free! Afterwards, I met some amazing and kind people from their HR department who helped me send an application for an internship.

Fast forwarding to the first day of my internship, I was extremely nervous. It was all so new to me, a huge building, so many people I’ve never seen before, doors that open using a card and so on. Thankfully, everyone was so kind and welcoming, they congratulated me on winning that webinar’s quiz as well as getting through all the necessary interviews and then they showed me around the office. Later that day, I had my first meeting with my team leader who provided me courses on Udemy to watch on my own before starting the actual project on-boarding.

After 2 weeks I was done with all the courses and was ready to contribute. While I was studying those courses on my own, I joined every single scheduled meeting of my team so that I wouldn’t feel so lost when I actually joined them. When the time came, our team leader and I went through the whole project structure, they explained how it works in a simple way, in order for me to understand and not get overwhelmed.

The day is here, I had been assigned my first ever task. I was so excited, that I couldn’t think of anything else besides completing it quickly and perfectly, which I managed to do, since the documentation was great and the onboarding process I mentioned earlier went extremely well. Whenever I had issues with tasks, my colleagues were helpful and understanding. They never pushed me too hard, never yelled, never underestimated and, most of all, they trust me; that’s so important to have in a team/company when you start off with your career.

The two-week period of getting specific tasks done, was over. We now had to present our work within these two weeks to our product managers. I remember recording my voice in order to get the nerves out, see if I am talking too fast or for too long, and so on. My colleagues confirmed to me that even that environment with the most experienced product managers/owners, is a safe place to be, that I shouldn’t need to be worried and if anything went wrong, they would step in and help me. I’m so glad to say that, with the appropriate preparation, it went amazing, everyone on my team was proud.

In conclusion, I learned so much about working in a team, presenting my work and last but not least, improving as a software engineer. Netcompany-Intrasoft offered me opportunities and taught me numerous soft and hard skills which will definitely come in handy in the future of my career. I am grateful for everything and so glad I made that choice. With that being said, my internship came to an end and the evaluation was the next and last step. I sincerely heard the most positive feedback I have ever heard before in my entire life. Finally, a few days ago and after a hard working 2-month period of time, I signed my new contract and joined the company as Junior Software Engineer with so many benefits for my progress as an engineer! Netcompany-Intrasoft, is definitely a great consideration for your options as an Intern, I cannot wait to see what the future will unfold.

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