Introducing Solomon Ears - An IoT Device and Web Application Solution for Fair Music Industry Remuneration

Elijah Koulaxis

April 1, 2023

The music industry is facing a long-standing problem of unjust remuneration for artists, which affects both the industry and users alike. Today, artists are often paid based on estimates of their performance or at fixed prices, which do not always reflect reality. As a result, even if an artist's music is popular and played frequently in public places such as bars or caffès, they may not receive adequate compensation for their work. This problem is particularly harmful to new and young artists who are asking for a fair system of remuneration in order to support their careers.

To address this issue, we have developed an IoT device that can be found installed in a venue and recognize every song played in that place, transmitting essential information such as the artist's name, the song title, and the timestamp among others. This information is also stored in a database and will be used to create reports on statistics and valuable insights for both the industry and the artists themselves.


Our platform also includes a map-based UI that displays markers on the exact locations where the IoT devices are installed. Upon clicking on a marker, a modal will appear showing which song is currently playing at that venue. This feature will help users discover new music and learn, in real-time, which venue plays the music they're interested in, supporting their favorite artists while at the same time, they will plan better their night out!


Solomon Ears is built as a web2.0 full-stack application, and currently, we are making the transition into web3.0 solutions, based on distributed ledger technology in order to develop a fair remuneration platform for all artists, ensuring that they are fairly compensated for their work. Stay tuned for updates on our journey toward true democratization of the music industry!


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