How to Give and Receive Constructive Code Reviews

Elijah Koulaxis

December 23, 2023


In software development, looking at each other's work is super important. It's not just about fixing mistakes or making things faster. It's a chance for everyone to work together and learn from each other. But when you're giving or getting feedback, it's important to be nice and helpful.

When GIVING feedback

  1. Talk About the Code

    When saying something about the code, be specific. Say things about the code, not the person. Avoid saying stuff that might make someone feel bad.

  2. Give Useful Advice

    Giving reasons helps the person understand why a change is suggested. Instead of just pointing out problems, suggest ways to make things better.

  3. Encourage Dialogue (My favorite)

    Create an open dialogue where both you (the reviewer) and the developer can discuss the feedback, making them feel valued and understood, knowing their opinion matters. After all, it's their code!

  4. Following Rules

    If there are rules for writing code in your team, it's good to talk about those rules when giving feedback, make sure they're applied.

When RECEIVING feedback

  1. Be Open to Learning

    Stay open-minded about comments on your code. They're chances to improve your skills, not reasons to feel bad. Remember that everyone, no matter how experienced, can learn!

  2. Don't Take It Personally

    Unless someone is mean, comments are there to make the code better, not to hurt feelings. It's important to not feel bad about ourselves because of what's said about the code.

  3. Ask for Help

    Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. When something in the feedback isn't clear, asking for clarification is a smart move. Plus, it shows that you're excited to learn and collaborate, which is a great attitude to have in any team setting.

  4. Different Ways

    Remember, there are many ways to write good code. Feedback aims to improve it, not to create competition. It's important to distinguish between necessary changes and those that are more personal in coding style.

  5. Separating Yourself from Your Work

    Your work is just a solution to a problem. It does NOT define you.

Getting better happens when we respect, understand others, and work together. When we review code and suggest improvements, it's not just about fixing code; it's about creating a friendly atmosphere where we learn and grow together.

Remember, our value is more than just the code we write. Accept advice, learn from it, and keep getting better as an engineer

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